European Wasps Can Be Found In Canberra, Australia | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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European wasps Canberra are among the most dangerous pests in Australia. Let me explain below.
Though they are not native to Australia, they were introduced into the country by accident during World War II. It is believed that these wasps were brought to Australia by ships that had been carrying cargo from Europe.
These wasps are also found throughout Europe and Asia.
People sometimes get the wasp confused with a bee (see image to see difference) and whereas bees will sting once, the European wasp can sting multiple times, and also can signal the nest to say that they are “under attack.” You then get the hive to chase and sting you which can be frightening!
The European wasps are considered to be among the most dangerous wasps because of their aggressiveness. These wasps are often stumbled upon when outside in the garden and surprisingly they can build their nest underground in the soft earth.